About Me
My training
I have trained as a psychodynamic counsellor and this forms the foundation of my work. I am also informed by a range of ideas that I incorporate into my practice, in particular ideas from the field of body psychotherapy, mindfulness, and attachment theory.
I have additional training in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing), a recognised trauma treatment, and CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) and these techniques also feature in my work from time to time. I am also interested in the therapeutic use of creative expression especially the use of creative writing, journalling, art and photography.
I am a Senior Accredited Member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), and I belong to the BACP Register, which is a register of therapists approved by the Professional Standards Authority of Health and Social Care. I am also a Senior Accredited Member of the National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society (NCPS) and a member of the Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Association UK.
My way of working stems from this wide range of training that I've received, taking a holistic approach to working with clients. By incorporating techniques and skills from various disciplines, I can find the approach that best fits each and every person that I work with. We are all individuals, and we are all unique, and no single one theory fits everyone.
I run a training organisation called Brighton Therapy Partnership dedicated to the provision of training workshops and continuing professional development to therapists across the South East of England and worldwide through our online training events and video library. Through my Directorship of this organisation I am in constant contact with the most up-to-date clinical thinking.
My experience
I worked for 25 years within the charitable and voluntary sector in Brighton and Hove in a number of roles, both frontline and managerial/strategic, and worked with a diverse range of people which included young people, older people, those who have been bereaved, carers of adults, and parents with children with disabilities.
I began my therapy training in 1994 and completed my qualifying training in 1998 at the University of Sussex.
Between 2001 and 2008 I managed the Counselling Service based at the Youth Advice Centre in Hove (part of the YMCA). While managing the Counselling Service at the Youth Advice Centre I also managed a large student placement scheme, placing and supporting over twenty counsellors-in-training each year.
I have also undertaken research and development work on young people's mental health issues for both Brighton & Hove City Council's Children's Services Department and for Specialist CAMHS (part of Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust). I have also worked as a manager of counsellors working in schools. In 2013 I acted as Consultant to Raintree Publishers on a series of four self-help books aimed at teenagers covering self-harm, relationships, gangs and bullying.
During 2021/22 I undertook training in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) Therapy with EMDR Consultant Trainer Sian Morgan. I also have advanced training in Clinical Supervision and offer counselling supervision to practising therapists. I have a number of years experience supervising counsellors in training, and welcome enquiries from qualified counsellors looking for Clinical Supervision of their work.
I also offer external supervision to those who are not counsellors but who work with others in a supportive or managerial role. I have worked as a Clinical Supervisor, offering both individual and group supervision, in private practice and within two voluntary sector organisations within Sussex.
Email me, or you can phone or text on 07981 713163.
Ongoing commitment to training and learning
I am the founder and Director of Brighton Therapy Partnership, a leading training provider for counsellors and psychotherapists in the South East. All counsellors must commit to ongoing professional development and learning to maintain their professional accreditation. In running Brighton Therapy Partnership I go above and beyond this commitment and show a true dedication to learning the latest developments in the field of counselling and psychotherapy.
Brighton Therapy Partnership draws speakers from all over the world to present on a wide variety of topics and issues. I am able to bring my learning from the workshops and conferences into my practice, ensuring I am up-to-date on the latest thinking and research and ensuring my work in the therapy room is always fine-tuned and adaptable to your needs.
B.A (Hons) American Social Studies (University of Sussex)
M.A. Social and Political Thought (University of Sussex)
Certificate in Person-Centred Art Therapy
Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling (Level 7) (University of Sussex)
Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Writing & Personal Development (University of Sussex, with Dr Celia Hunt, academic and author on therapeutic approaches to writing)
Diploma in Clinical Supervision (plus a number of training days in the 7-Eyed Model with Robin Shohet)
Diploma in Management (Institute of Leadership and Management)
Certificate in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (City & Guilds)
Certificate in CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) from the WPF (Westminster Pastoral Foundation, London)
Certificate in BodyListening: An Introduction to Deep Bodywork and Body Psychotherapy
EMDR Qualifying Training, parts 1, 2 & 3 (with Sian Morgan, EMDR Association UK)