Counselling4Brighton - Brighton Counselling

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Understanding the ‘self’

What issues were you facing?

I felt that I was unable to move forward with my life, there was things holding me back. I had a lot of regrets that came from behaviours in me that I could not understand. I felt that my inner child was broken in some way.

How did counselling help?

I found it extremely helpful to talk with Shelley. I really needed someone to listen and to understand, you could almost say be on my side which she was, she was very good to listen, to understand and offer another perspective on my situation. Shelley also allowed a framework for me to go back to my childhood and look at it with a fresh view, which unlocked a lot of keys for me as to why.

How has life been after counselling?

I feel so much better. I feel happier, a lot lighter, I am hopeful and so much more confident in myself.

What would you say to those concerned about the cost?

I would say to go for it, the best investment you can make is in yourself. I wish that I had done it years ago and if I feel the need I would not hesitate to go into counselling again. My wish would be to return to Shelley if that was the case.

Would you recommend counselling?

Yes absolutely, wish I had done it earlier. Don't hesitate if you're thinking about it you should go for it. It will be worth your while and you will get so much out of it if you're open.

Final comments

I would really recommend Shelley, I felt that I could really open up to her. She was able to challenge and support when needed. She supported me to go to places that held the key for me that I would never have went to without her, or even know to look at. I cannot speak highly enough of the whole process and the results which it has given me.