Counselling4Brighton - Brighton Counselling

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Facing Divorce

What issues were you facing?

The shock of a divorce.

How did counselling help?

Time was not helping me to cope or understand. Counselling helped me to accept I don't need to understand I need to learn to accept and move forward. Much of what I experienced is still sinking in, with discoveries about myself that were both helpful and insightful.

I am no longer going round and round in circles. I'm still saddened by events but I accept the loss and pain and try to focus on me and my life.

How has life been after counselling?

I'm less burdened by events. But I'm still hurt. My friends tell me I'm brighter and happier than I've been in a long time. I don't dwell on this awful event in my life or try to analyse it anymore

Would you recommend counselling?

Yes, if they were really struggling to move forwards.